Sunday, 11 January 2009

'Mr Sex': I (co-)wrote the book on oral sex

Now, you know this wouldn't be a proper sex blog if the authors didn't relentlessly shill whatever books they cranked out, so I hope you'll forgive me if I alert your attention to The Going Down Guide, which I've just heard will be out in America in the summer. It's the first book with my name on it, and was co-written with my fellow Scarlet writer Emily Dubberley. Eeh, me Mam's right proud.

I promise not to say any more about it, apart from;
  1. That bloke on the cover is not me.
  2. I hope he has a shave before he gets his mouth round his bird's bits.
  3. It tells you everything you need to know about how to give someone a proper nosh.
  4. If your current oral technique is like the Elephant Man after dental anaesthetic, you need to read this.
  5. (or you could just ask me in the pub)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you! Enquiring minds want to know just how well you got on with the co-author...

Nottingham's 'Mr Sex' said...

Ah, mate - it's an unwritten rule that sexperts never have it off with each other. We're all terrified that it'll be shit, and our teeth would bash together, we'd choke on a pube, it would last 20 seconds, the Mars bar wrapper would split and one of us would get pregnant.

Smarty Bum said...

Nice. :-) I reckon I might have to keep an eye out for it in the book stores, and have a flip through it...