Thursday 20 March 2008

'Mr Sex': Wankety Wank, Wankety Wank (DUM! DUM!) Wankety Wank, Wankety Wank (DUM! DUM!)...

...Wankety Wank! Wankety Wank! Wankety Wank! WANKETY WANK!

Before I get stuck into the second part of my Grotline Special, here's a game all the family can play (apart from the under 18s); simply fill in the missing letters of these genuine phone sex adverts. No prizes - it's just for fun...

(people who go to my pub quiz are absolutely barred out from entering, by the way)


Angela-la-la said...

1 - Fresh Linen. Really fresh, you know? Like those new sanitary towels that make womens dirty, filthy monthlies a breeze.

2 - Bank. A sperm bank, obviously. Come and get paid, studmuffin!

3 - Puke. It's dripping green, ffs get it to a GUI clinic!

4 - Boutiques. The specialist ones have the best toilets, my friend tells me.

5 - Cat. Poor Lindsay hasn't a clue that the dildo should be somewhere that makes her pussy close her eyes in ecstasy rather than open them wide in shock.

Paul Rice said...

Ill go with:

1: Full Load
2: Jiffy
3: Gush
4: Bastards
5: Dog, Cat, Mum or Dad....ill go with Dog!!

That was fun!

Verdant Earl said...

1. full load
2. jiffy
3. barf
4. bathboys? - I have no idea what that even means.
5. Son...that Lindsy is one sick bitch. ;)

Luka said...

I drew a doodle of a big nob on my answer card, and a pair of comedy breasts.

Do I still get a Wankety Wank Cheque Book and Pen?

Ismael said...

1- Foot Long (probably full load)
2- Flash
3- ...sing?
4- BoyGirls (heh)
5- Man (why not?)